Charlie Finds Us.

One moment you’re mindlessly scrolling the internet and the next you have a wrinkly, high-energy dog traveling north to you from Tennessee. We weren’t expecting to rescue a dog from the internet that day, but as they say- your dog finds you!

My husband and I were not the first ones to adopt “Charlene.” Just a few weeks earlier she had been rescued but returned for being too energetic and affectionate. The way she leaped off the transport truck into the snow and kissed everyone in the crowd, I knew she was energetic, affectionate and absolutely perfect. We call her Charlie, for short.

We learned all about positive reinforcement training, high/low value treats, and then realized how often we had to go back to the pet store for more treats! We noticed we were spending big money on treats, but there weren't many options with limited, healthy ingredients.

We love positive reinforcement training because it has made Charlie so confident, comfortable, and able to relax. Wanting to give her the best quality life possible, I started making treats at home for her. I had peace of mind knowing exactly what ingredients were going into the treats for her. I was also able to tweak my recipes based on her likes, dislikes and allergies.

Fast forward to today, and Charlie’s Traveling Treat Truck is born! Whatever your “gotcha” story is, I would love to provide the same quality treats for your pup.